
Material price increase

February 24, 2022

BY Steven Dexter

Material prices for our 2022 season have gone up. Our sealer has went up too $0.60 cents a gallon with asphalt price going up $5 to $15 dollars a ton. So I will be editing our price list as soon as I have the final word. For now we have been told by the manufacturers to mark up 30% from last season. With the cost of fuel we had been planing on marking up 5% to help with that. I know we will continue to use the best materials on the market for all of our work & not cut any corners that way. I am hoping with our crews we can manage & schedule better to only have a 15%-20% mark up in our pricing. I have personally been in charge of everything the last two years. Last year I was overwhelmed with the work load & will be having some help in the office this season. Take Care Everyone