

January 25, 2022

By Steven Dexter Jr.

Hello We have decided to start a blog here on our website to Help inform everyone on what we have been up to. We have had a very busy season last year that made it hard to keep up with our website. One of our goals is to keep up on our daily project photo's. we have been able to do this on Google and Facebook  but is very timely to do day to day on our site. Creating this blog I hope will help with that. We also do run add's and discount thought out the year and would like to share them on here. As well as give some employee's a shout out for their efforts and updating everyone on medical conditions. Last season 2021 Amie my wife and office help was not able to do any work do to her condition. I will tell her story in one of my future blog's. This left me with all the office work as well as working sales and in the field. Informing everyone to these type of situations I feel can be helpful in helping our customers understand what we are dealing with. This year we have new roll's for some of our crew/family members as well as Amie being fully recover.